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Anthony Cross," or the letter X, and the planets rule as follows therein:

Male tarot square
Male tarot square
Female tarot square
Female tarot square

The female squares of a tarot fill the remaining squares and form a circle.


This line differs somewhat from the former conceptions held regarding the female squares. Later discoveries changing the rulings on some squares.

We see here illustrated the very original, conception of the cross X, and circle ○, as emblems of sex.

Any tarot can be changed or transposed from a Mercury tarot to that of any other planet, by crossing the cards over uniformly in such a manner as to bring the place of the Ego to the square ruled by the planet; but this change revolves the ego in the female circle constantly, if the tarot is a feminine tarot, and on the contrary the ego remains in the X;, if the tarot is a male one.

If the changes are made in such a manner as to throw the ego from the ○ to the X, or vice versa, the tarot will be changed in its entire nature and in many cases rendered an imperfect one. At the least it will be thrown into another