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Many millions of these tarots are very beautiful and regular in form, and they are all interesting. The solar value of the Queen tarot is 171, spirit value 286, spot value 54, suit value 117, quarter value 15. All making perfect tarots when placed in frames by themselves.

The numbers of these tarots are simply beyond the human comprehension. It can be demonstrated by mathematics that a certain number of them could be constructed, but the number is so great that they never can be all constructed. They have the same peculiar properties belonging to the other tarots, only the powers are greatly enhanced from the fact that a 6x6 tarot combines the properties of the 9 and 16 tarots together.

Thus, we can form a 36 tarot by combining four 3x3 tarots in a proper manner, or we can make one by means of the tarot frame of card emblems as shown in the engraving.

The following cut exhibits a 36 tarot "frame" for holding a 4x4 tarot. The one shown belongs to the "Century tarots." In the vacant square we produce an engraving which will be found useful to the student of phrenology and astrology combined, but we will not enter into an explanation here. It speaks for itself however.

Any one of the millions of century tarots will fit into the inside of this frame and form a perfect 36 tarot, provided the 16 tarots are made of cards not in the frame. But millions of these frames can be formed, fitting around all sorts and classes of 16 tarots, making the permutations enormous.

One brother, who makes a study of 36 tarots, said: "The number that can be made of them, is like the sands of the sea for multitude"