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and triturations are in reality sprit potentials, and therefore heal through spirit power. These are my conclusions; take them or leave them as you choose.

Our sun, together with all his planets and satellites, weigh less than two octillions of tons. Less than one-third of the sugar of milk in the 36th potency, containing one grain of drug. Our entire system of suns are estimated at sixteen and a half millions in number and would weigh about thirty-three million octillions of tons at the average weight of our own solar system. This vast weight is less than the amount of the forty-third decimal trituration.

So many people fail to grasp the wonders of nature, through their inability to realize the cold facts revealed by mathematical demonstration. Such persons cannot understand the wonders of the Mystic Test Book and the tremendous co-ordinations that exist with its emblems.

Some think "chance" brings about the wonders, when the results cannot by any possibility be attributed to chance.

In the same way, many erronious opinions are held by individuals, which opinions would be dispelled by a little common sense resort to mathematics. I have had numbers of people take up some statement of mine, such as the one regarding the "curve of the earth's orbit," and show from their treatment of the subject that they knew nothing about the mathematical laws governing curves.

In view of all the foregoing facts, the reader need not wonder that the author regards the "Religion of the Stars" as the divine religion of man, and mathematical science as its priest and interpreter.