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dicular. The "Mars Circle" touches the base. That of Jupiter, the intersection of the base and perpendicular. "Saturn Circle" comes to the intersection of the base and hypotenuse. The "Circle of Uranus" strikes the third intersection. "Neptune Circle" encloses all and represents the outer darkness.

Thus we have the six points of this triangle represented, although the relative distances of the circles do not correspond to the physical distances of the orbits of the planets named. These circles all have fixed mathematical principles and proportions, wholly separate and apart from mere physical or concrete distance.

This being the case, the triangle can be conceived, of any dimension whatsoever and the one actually given has the same qualities both mathematical and geometrical, as one would have, that should extend from the orbit of Saturn on the second meridian to the orbit of Uranus, where it cuts the upper celestial meridian.

In fact, the same proportional triangle can be constructed so as to impinge at the points shown on the diagram, with the actual orbits of any two planets that may be selected,at one time.

The triangle is shown in the illustration with the cards composing it placed so as to show the actual proportions 3: 4: 0, the cards thus forming by their number, the first or primary representation of the sides of the triangle.

The next co-ordination is shown from the Q values of the cards, which are as follows: Base, two spades=8. one heart=l, making 9. Perpendicular, one spade=4, two diamonds=6, one club=2, total 12. Hypotenuse, two