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that possesses so many mysterious and divine attributes.

I confess that I should be afraid to give this final wonder, were it not that it is mathematically demonstrable, so that no skeptic can dispute it.


Take the base. The spirit of the ace of hearts is 10, of the nine of spades 35, of the two of spades 54, a total of 99.

Take the perpendicular. The spirit of the seven of clubs is 22, of the five of diamonds 43, of the three of diamonds 23 and of the ace of spades 44, total 182.

Take the hypotenuse. The spirit of the two of diamonds is 13, of the three of spades 64, of the four of spades 74, of the five of clubs 2 and of the six of clubs 12, which together add up one hundred and sixty-five. Now, 99 squared=9801. 182 squared=17424. 165 squared=27225. As 9801+ 17424=27225, the numbers again represent a perfect triangle.

The latter number represents the square of 15 in its 3 last figures, and 27, the 8 times 9, in its first two figures. The reader will remember the relations of these numbers in the 3x3 tarot heretofore given.

Aside from the overpowering proofs furnished by the absolute demonstration by mathematics, we notice many other peculiarities about the mystic triangle, which can be best appreciated by those persons who have made the journey "around the Zodiac."

For instance, it is "eternal in the heavens," inasmuch as it geometrically covers a given circle in the heavens in any and all cases. It always did; it always will. If every planet, as well as our sun, was annihilated, or turned to cold barren masses, the "WORD" would still, in the form