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Your life has presented a variety of effects and events, but not a great variety of human friendships and companionships.


It is a matter of regret that we have been unable to get out a complete work on tarots ere this, as we find a large demand therefor. The work is under way, and we hope to have it out before the end of 1896.

In the meantime we will make a few additions to the matter already given.


A number of Mystics have been considerably interested in this phase of tarotology, so we have resolved to extend the knowledge of it to all our readers. The quadration of a tarot makes changes therein which the ordinary duplex changes under the various planets, according to the diagrams on pages 222 and 223, do not make. The quadratic change seems to run through several different branches of a given series, and to unfold many new characteristics.

To perform the quadrate, take any card tarot—say, for example, No. 96, on page 218— and begin at the lower righthand corner, place the first card on the one next above it. Then place the two cards on the third, and so on. When four are piled up, place the pile, still face up, on to the bottom card of next row, and so on until all are piled. In the case we have before us the eight of hearts is put on the ace of clubs, those on the five of diamonds, those on to the four of spades, and those on to the two of spades, and so on, ending with the ace of spades.

Now turn the cards over and deal the two top ones face