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An examination of the last engraving will show anyone the transformation which takes place under quadration. Starting with No. 1, we have a duplex formation; that is, all four suits on all the lines except the diagonals, with one court card on each line everywhere. No. 2 is a female duplicate, quadruplex on all the lines. No. 3. is a male duplex tarot; that is, all the lines are in two suits, except the X. No. 4 is the fifth quadrate, again it is a full quadruplex. I have not called attention to half the changes, but the Mystic reader will notice the way the court cards change, and other things about it.

This series of tarots also has the peculiarity of the "spot values" adding thirty-four, exactly the same as the number tarots.

In No. 4 we find the conditions of suit formation restored, as in No. 2. But the tarot is changed in sex, and the position of the colors are, therefore, exactly reversed.

In many tarots the quadrate may be gathered on to other piles than the heart quarter, and there are some which can be cut and then quadrated, still forming perfect tarots, Some of our members have quadrated their individual tarots in all ways possible, and have recorded each result in a book for purposes of study.

The change taking place in the next tarot shows the usual quadruplex changes, and also changes the duplex positions of the emblems, so that such appear only in the X. In all of this we have not taken note of the spirits of the emblems. But the same wonderful changes have manifested themselves there, as well as in the physical. Wherever the physical is displaced anywhere there is always a corre-