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come out in the mystic emblems. Any unprejudiced person can see with half an eye that the little book, which is a "Cross" to carry before the world, has within itself the perfection of divine symbolism. As the author of the "Pappus Planetarium" enthusiastically exclaimed once to me: "That little book has got the whole history of the world in it, if we knew how to read it." I think he was pretty near right. Every time I attempt to write about it I am overwhelmed with new and more wonderful developments.

Oh, but it is a heavy cross to carry, there is no mistake about that.


Every division of time, used by men, has its particular ruling card.

Thus, in addition to year cards and day cards, there are hour cards, minute cards, and even second cards, ruling in various orders, co-ordinating with the time elements. All these cards play an important part in all mystic work with the test book, but the finer divisions are naturally used the most. One quality of the hour cards is to fix the culminating effect of several persons in a certain class. The quality of the minute card is to fix the time element to small arc, and as this card bears a perfectly ascertainable ratio to solar, and through that to secular time; the time can always be corrected thereby. The second card of time is also a definite quality, but is momentary in effect, with a lap of two and one-half seconds on each side. By this, I mean that, suppose a certain card rules at 44 seconds culmination. The same card rules co-ordinatily, but with less power, during 42, 43, 45 and 46 seconds. This is called the five second variation.