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It would require fifty-two rows like the above to give all the rulers, and would require too much space, yet these rulers are very interesting, because they are the normal rulers, which are different entirely from the solar rulers found from the solar quadrate. Thus, a person born under the ace of spades would, have as solar rulers under Mercury, 7 of hearts; Venus, 7 of diamonds; Mars, 5 of spades; Jupiter, jack of hearts; Saturn, 9 of clubs; Uranus, 9 of spades; Neptune, 2 of hearts, while his normal rulers would be as above given under ace of spades, There seems, in most cases heretofore examined by us, a kind of co-ordination between the solars and normals. Thus there are two sevens in each case, and a nine to balance one of the nines in the solar. The co-ordination seems to be more on the "general indications" than on same cards. When it is more fully known what the significations are of these rulers we shall publish the full table.

It has also been discovered that rulers at all distances from a given card are as uniform as the primary rulers. Thus, there are an exact number of cards ruling seven places to the right or left of any given card. This is also interesting, and the facts discovered by means of these tables have thrown a flood of light upon the movements of the emblems, and has led to the discovery of the new differential calculus in use in our temples.