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★ ★ Life and Character Rulings of Zodiac. ★ ★
No. 9. Mercury and Mars Predominating.
House of energy and foresight. Prophecy based upon calculation. Activity of mind. Zealous sanguinjty. Sudden impulses. Quick conclusions, sometimes incorrect. Desire to make money rapidly. To strike while the iron is hot. Demonstrative nature. Activity of body. Quick to resent fancied or real injury. Love of stories of adventure and war. Purity of love. Constancy to one person.
No. 10. Jupiter and Uranus Predominating.
House of executive ability and undertakings. Command of men and things. Natural leadership. Conduct of great enterprises. Money making ability. Positive nature. Quick to act in a business crisis. Determination, Impulse. Wish to always be at the head. Pride of station and wealth. Despise small things. Spiritual nature advanced and high, but kept down by material environments. Organizers.
No. 11. Jupiter and Neptune Predominating.
House of water shipping and transportation. Mercantile instinct. Public good. Love of roving. Deal with many people. Wish to travel. To see the world. Active temperament. Love of water and rain storms. Bibativeness. Love of public demonstrations, brass band music, parade show and uniforms. Noise and excitement. City life. Strong intuitiveness but poor reasoners from cause to effect. Admiration of the vast and grand.
No. 12. Venus and Jupiter Predominating.
House of Science and philosophy. Research. Acquisition of knowledge. Love of astronomy, geology and kindred sciences. Love of proven abstract and exact science instead of theories. Mathematical exactness. Care in the expenditure of money, to obtain fall value therefor. Honor and uprightness. Lack of self-confidence. Fidelity to trusts. Thrift and forethought. Logical and argumentative nature.