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★ ★ Rulings of Zodiac, Trades and Occupations. ★ ★
NO. 9. Jupiter and Uranus Predominating.
Business requiring strong, unflinching Judgment, great Executive Ability and Management with stern Selfishness and Resolution to Succeed. Banking. Loaning. Renting. Insurance. Real Estate Dealing. Publishing. Editing. Heavy, Practical Literature. Legal Practice. Surgery. Dentistry and general Medical Practice.

Male House, with male avocations predominating.

No. 10. Jupiter and Neptune Predominating.
Undertakings requiring Ability to Organize and Control large Institutions, Governing Ability and Lavish Expenditure of Money to make money. Large Manufacturing and Jobbing of Merchandise. Superintending of Railroads, large Lines of Transportation or Express Companies. Great Organizers of Stock Companies, etc. Females often rank high in this house but cannot exercise their abilities therein.

Male and Female House combined.

No. 11. Mars and Neptune Predominating.
Occupations requiring hardihood and strength with a Love of Out-Door Life and Water, or Dampness. Shipping or Sailing. Expressing. Milling. Mining. Engineering. Surveying. Fishing and many kindred employments. When females are high in this house they dislike indoor employments and love to travel.

Male House with male employments.

No. 12.

Mercury and Uranus Predominating.

Occupations or Professions requiring quickness of Intelligence and Power to Grasp Situations, combined with Dignity and Power to Make Most of one's Personality. Office Holding or Political Power. Some Branches of Law. Managers of Offices. Many Trades and Avocations come under this. Some females are strong in this without opportunity to exercise their ability.

Male and Female House combined.