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The good and industrious queen of spades has not even laid aside her emblem of labor, in all the ages past.

And our good friends, called "Jacks" by some, emblematic of the younger and unmarried portion of the male persuasion, still bear their little emblems. A mystic leaf is seen in the hand of one; but few persons could guess its meaning. They still wear the curled locks. Two being young and two older, the difference can usually be seen upon their faces.

They were originally honest men all, but, being next the Royal Couple, the accceptance of bribes, in modern times, by those in like position, transformed them into "Knaves."

And Knaves they remain to this day.

Now, good friends, some of you may ask, why it is that these characteristics, appertaining to this book and to none other in existence, have been preserved in a world where everything else has changed. Why have not. the engravers and printers changed them entirely out of their original form as they have everything else?