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monds under Jupiter in the same life line, indicates for a rich man a loss of a large sum of money, but a poor man with the same proportionate "ill luck," so-called, might only lose a few dollars. In the same manner, the environment of marriage makes an immense difference in the meanings of the emblems. Where the 2h followed by the 8h and 4h under Venus, indicates an engagement and marriage for single persons, it indicates spiritual advancement, union of forces, contentment of heart and soul, for the married.

It is confidently asserted by the Mystic Brotherhood, that no single "environment" exists, that so completely changes the magnetic respondences of individuals as that of marriage.

This is the secret of why it is, that some people are changed for the better and some for the worse by this union. Perhaps the very planetary influences that were favorable to you when single became adverse as soon as you were united to another being.

I believe the time will come, when these forces will be taken into consideration before marriage, instead of after, and many unhappy alliances obviated thereby.

Before going on with the tables of indications I wish to say a few words regarding the time and manner of giving or receiving emblem readings.

First. No person should ever attempt more than one spread in the same day. There are certain magnetic forces used in the full work, which become changed or exhausted so that a second spread for that person will give but partial results. That is, always providing that the first one given is correctly carried through. I do not mean by this, that no person should delineate for others, more than once, but, that he