Page:The naturalist on the River Amazons 1863 v2.djvu/443

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  • Timber trees, ii. 78.
  • Timbó, poisonous liana, ii. 82.
  • Toads, ii. 59.
  • Tobacco cultivation, i. 321.
  • Tonka-bean tree, ii. 49.
  • Tortoise-shell wood, ii. 78.
  • Toucans, i. 61; ii. 336.
  • Toucans, use of beak of, ii. 338.
  • Toucans, curl-crested, ii. 343.
  • Trabalhadores, captains of, ii. 93.
  • Tracajá turtle, ii. 253.
  • Trade-wind of Amazons, i. 213.
  • Trees of forest, i. 67, 68.
  • Trogons, i. 138, 254, 345; ii. 340.
  • Trypoxylon, ii. 42.
  • Tucúna Indians, ii. 401.
  • Tucunaré fish, ii. 82, 106.
  • Tucupí sauce, i. 319.
  • Tupinambarána, island of, i. 284.
  • Tupí language, i. 77; ii. 199.
  • Tupí, nation, i. 285.
  • Turtle, modes of cooking, ii. 212.

  • Ubussu palm, i. 116, 223.
  • Umbrella bird, ii. 283.
  • Umirí, scent, ii. 23.
  • Unicorn bird, i. 277.
  • Urania Leilus, i. 198.
  • Urarí poison, ii. 16, 238.
  • Urubú river, i. 322.

  • Vampire, ii. 332.
  • Victoria water-lilies, i. 282.
  • Vigilinga canoe, description of, i. 112.
  • Vultures, i. 296.

  • Wallace, A.R., ascent of Rio Negro, i. 347.
  • Water-beetles, ii. 31.
  • Willows, i. 277.
  • Witchcraft, ii. 53.
  • Wren, i. 15.

  • Yellow fever, i. 349.
  • Ygapo or flooded forests, i. 290.