Page:The nature and elements of poetry, Stedman, 1892.djvu/344

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"Hamadryad, The," Landor, 200.

Hamlet, Shakespeare, 102, 104.

Harris, W. T., inspirational view of poetry, 23; and see 174.

Hartlib, S., Milton's friend, 27.

Hartmann, E. von, metaphysician, on genius, 46, 282; on the idea in art, 156.

Hawthorne, 137, 218, 273.

Haydon, B. R., painter, on art, 201.

Hazlitt, W., logical view of poetry, 25; cited, 207, 208.

Health, recoverable in poetry, 295.

Hebraism, 99, 290; and see Bible, Poetry of the.

Heine, compared with Byron, 125; character and genius, 126; his mocking note, 127; quoted, 112; cited, 140; and see 135, 142, 203, 208.

Hellenism, Landor, 124; compared with Latinism, 90, 91; effect on Vergil, 91; Poetry of Greece, 87-90, 95-100; the Greek lyrists, 87; the anthology, etc., 88, 89; idyllists, 89, 90; the Homeric epos, 95-97; the Attic dramatists, 97-100; antique view of tragedy, etc., 103, 104.

Henry Esmond, Thackeray, 55, 137.

Heredity of genius, 277.

Herodotus, 169.

Heroic poetry, Horace's view of, 18.

Herrick, 168, 171.

Hesiod, and Vergil's Georgics, 91.

"Highland Mary," Burns, 265.

Hindu Literature, 81, 82.

Hoffmann, Ernst, 142.

Holinshed, chronicler, 57.

Holmes, quoted, 281.

Homer, Lord Derby's version, 82; Vergil's obligations to, 91; Snider's ethical theory of the Iliad and Odyssey, 95; his joyous and perfect transcript of life, 96, in; highest value of, 97; modern "Homeric Echoes," 134; Arnold on the swift epic movement, 134; descriptive touches of, 190; ethics, 217; endurance, 230; impassioned characters, 270, 271; quoted, 194; and see 78, 100, 106, 191, 236, 251, 269, 290.

Hood, a poet of emotion, 265.

Horace, concerning poetry, 17; progenitor of the beaux esprits, 93; and see 27, 169.

"Horatian Ode, An," Stoddard, 239.

Horatii, The, 93.

Horne, R. H., Gregory VII., 104; dramas of, 132; and see 29, 133.

Household Book of Poetry, The, Dana, 236.

House of Life, The, Rossetti, 269.

Howe, Julia Ward, 267.

Howell, Elisabeth Lloyd, 266.

Howells, W. D., as illustrating both natural gift and training, 60; on recent Italian poetry, 128, 129; on genius as "natural aptitude," 278.

Hugo, V., Hernani, 104; and the Romantic movement, 119; and see 18, 133, 142, 269, 287, 290.