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chief of their strength in the land of Ham."

Ps. lxxviii. 51.

"Israel also came into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham." Ps. cv. 23.

"They forgat God their Saviour which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea." Ps. cvi. 21-22.

(b) Historical evidence.

We are told that Ham was a domestic name for Egypt, and used by the Egyptians themselves anterior to the advent of the Hebrews.[1]

In Plutarch Egypt is called Chemia. Anciently there were cantons in Egypt denominated Psitta-Chemmis, Pso-Chemmis. In these names the word Cham or Ham is easily discerned.

Herodotus, in Book IV Melpomene, speaks of Ammonians or Hammonians, as keepers of the temple of Theban Jupiter in Africa. Rollin, deeply learned in North African lore, says, "Ham was the second son of Noah. When the family of the latter * * * * dispersed themselves into different countries, Ham retired to Africa ; and it doubtless was he, who afterwards was worshipped as a god, under the name of Jupiter-Ammon or Hammon." P iii. K. of E.

  1. See Gesenius חׇם.