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Indirect Evidence.

An indirect proof that Canaan is the guilty party is the notoriety he had among the people. This is evidenced in verse 18, and before we are told a word in regard to the fall of Noah. Verse 18, says, "And the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark, were Shem, Ham and Japheth; and Ham is the father of Canaan." All writings are for the purpose of giving information. To tell the Israelites who Shem was, Moses had no incident, or deed, known to the people, with which to connect his name. He must be known only as the son of Noah. It was likewise the same with Japheth. Neither directly nor indirectly were they connected with a popular notoriety. But it was not thus with Ham; aside from being the son of Noah, he was designated as the father of Canaan. A son of one noted individual, the father of another; but their notoriety was different. But who is Canaan? What had he done? Noah was known; he had done something, and in consequence had popular fame. Ham could be distinguished in no better way than to say that he was the son of Noah. But what was the force of the words—the father