Page:The new British province of South Australia.djvu/51

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most numerous fleets. Two small islands, placed at the mouth of the southern basin, likewise afford good shelter. The same may be said of Grantham Island, with regard to the western basin. Shall I repeat here what I have already said as to the fertility of the soil? Shall I speak of the valleys, which would seem to denote corresponding springs or brooks of fresh water? Is it necessary for me to insist upon those numerous fires which our companions, on approaching the port, observed on all the neighbouring declivities, and which would seem to attest the existence at this spot of a population much more numerous than on the other points of the south-west coast? Worthy to rival Port Jackson, Port Lincoln is, under every point of view, one of the finest harbours in the world; and of all those discovered by us, whether on the south, the west, or the north of New Holland, it appears, I repeat it, to be the best adapted to receive an European colony."

The only account of Boston Bay which has been received is that by Captain Goold, unless the above report by the French travellers is intended, as there is some reason to believe it is, rather as a description of Boston Bay than of Port Lincoln itself.

Captain Goold anchored in Boston Bay between the island and the main land, and resided there in all three weeks. He went about three miles inland, and found the country was open forest land, with the trees about forty or fifty yards apart. They were large and well grown. Amongst them were the blue gum, cedar saplings, and one very large rose-wood tree. In digging for water, he found the soil to the depth of three feet to be of a moist, heavy nature; it was a black mould, and under it was a bed of yellow clay. He did not go deep enough for water, in consequence of one of the crew having found a spring which amply supplied his wants. This was just westward of Point Boston, below the high-water mark. There was plenty of grass,