Page:The nomads of the Balkans, an account of life and customs among the Vlachs of Northern Pindus (1914).djvu/68

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do not use for dance music. The probabihty that there were never any local musical instruments is strengthened by the fact that as a rule at the big village dances all dance to certain well-knowTi songs only. The great annual dance at Samarina at the festival of the Assumption is known as Tsheatshlu from the song to which it is danced. Further at the ceremonial dance performed by the bridal party, when the newly married pair come out of the church, the musicians are driven away for the time being and the party dance to songs only. The music is of the usual Levantine type which is familiar to any who have heard the droning folk songs of Greece and the Balkans. As to how far any particular dance can be assigned to any one race we cannot say, probably none are really Vlach ; but there seems to be a consensus of opinion, at least locally, that certain dances are Albanian.