Page:The nun, her character and work - 1914.djvu/24

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at once gives orders to his men to change the course of the vessel, knowing well that, when his ship loses her bearings, danger looms ahead.

Now, just as a prudent captain takes every precaution in order to steer his ship in the right course, and thus avoid dangers, so, by spiritual renewal in response to St. Paul's exhortation, religious assure the safety of their immortal souls, since human frailties and delusions are either prevented or remedied by the renewal of the interior life. Moreover, as the Apostle points out in his Epistle to the Romans,[1] this 'newness of mind' enlightens the soul as to what is 'the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God,' and this deeper knowledge of God's holy will leads the soul on to accomplish it more perfectly.

It is important that you should be firmly convinced of the necessity of this continual renewal of the spiritual life for yourselves personally, and it will be profitable, I think, in this preliminary conference, to set before you clearly the motives which constrain you to strive to attain to this 'newness of life.' Thus, this instruction will serve as an introduction to those which follow. In these consecutive conferences it is my. intention to deal with the privileges and responsibilities of your holy vocation, trusting that, by God's blessing, these considerations will lead you to desire this spiritual renewal and spur you on in your resolution to attain to your goal.

It is certain that, in proportion as you realise

  1. Rom. xii. 2.