Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/34

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Precedence of Honorary Officers.30. No Officer holding an honorary commission can, in virtue of it, take precedence of any Officer holding a substantive commission of the same rank.

Officers to possess a knowledge of duties, &c.31. Every Officer is required to possess a competent knowledge of his duties, and to give a proper attendance at the drills of his Corps.

Any Officer who does not attend the number of drills prescribed for the enrolled Volunteers of his Corps, to qualify them for certificates of efficiency, will not be allowed to retain his commission unless the Admiralty may see special reasons for a relaxation of this Regulation.


Appointment.32. The Petty Officers of a Battery are appointed by the Commanding Officer of the Battery, from among the enrolled members of the Battery.

Leading Gunners.33. Leading Gunners may be appointed by the Commanding Officer of a Battery, in the proportion of one to every twenty of Enrolled Gunners.

Reduction.34. A Petty Officer or Leading Gunner may be reduced by the Commanding Officer of a Brigade, for any sufficient cause; such cause to be judged by the officers of the Brigade sitting as a Court of Inquiry.


Qualification.35. Candidates for enrolment as Members of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers must be of good character and physically fit for the Service; their eligibility will be judged by the Commanding Officer of the Corps, assisted by such others of the Corps as he may think fit to appoint for that purpose.

Age.36. No person below the age of 17 is to be enrolled in the Corps without the special authority of the Admiralty.

Boys of 14 years of age and upwards may be enrolled for the purpose of being trained as Buglers.

Disqualification.37. Men belonging to any other force liable to be called out for service in case of war are not to be enrolled.

Apprentices are not to be enrolled without the consent of their masters.

Persons dismissed from any other Service or Corps for misconduct are not to be enrolled without the special sanction of the Admiralty.

Certificate of Discharge.38. The Commanding Officer of a Corps is to give to any Volunteer, on his quitting the Corps, a Certificate of