Page:The organisation of the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers explained.djvu/44

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He is to superintend the drills and exercises of the Brigade, and is to have complete control over the Petty Officer Instructors of the several Batteries, and is responsible to the Admiralty that their duties are properly performed, and that the drills are in accordance with those laid down for the Royal Navy.

Diary.102. The Officer Instructor is required to keep a diary of the Instruction imparted by him to the Volunteers according to Form G Appendix. This diary is to be certified by the Commanding Officer of the Brigade, and transmitted to the Admiralty on the 1st of every month.

Control over Petty Officer Instructors.103. The Officer Instructor will, under the Commanding Officer of the Brigade, have control over the Petty Officer Instructors, both as regards their discipline and their duties as Instructors; and he will, should he have occasion, report any misconduct or incompetency of a Petty Officer Instructor to the Admiralty.


Rank and position.104. The Petty Officer Instructors will have the rank First Class Petty Officers in the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteer Force, and will be selected from Pensioned Petty Officers of the Royal Navy and must hold a Certificate from one of the Gunnery Ships of competency as an Instructor in Heavy and Truck Gun Drill, Rifle, Pistol and Cutlass Exercises.

They will be purely Staff Petty Officers, and will not be entitled, by virtue of their superior rank, to take the command of any of the Naval Volunteers, when a Petty Officer of the Corps is present, except for the purpose of instruction.

Duties105. The Petty Officer Instructors are to give instruction to the Volunteers under the direction of the Officer Instructor. They are subject to the Command of their superior Officers of the Naval Volunteers, and are to assist them in carrying on their Naval duties, but they are not to take any part in the civil affairs of the Brigade.

Conduct.106. The Petty Officer Instructors will be expected, on all occasions, to set an example of what the Naval Volunteers should attain to, and they will only be allowed to retain their position so long as they conduct themselves as Petty Officers of the Royal Navy should do.

They are to consider the Officer Instructor as their immediate head, and apply to him in all matters that may be necessary.