Page:The origin of continents and oceans - Wegener, tr. Skerl - 1924.djvu/101

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Frech, Fritz, Handlirsch, Haug, Ihering, Karpinsky, Koken, Koszmat, Katzer, Lapparent, Matthew, Neumayr, Ortmann, Osborn, Schuchert, Uhlig and Willis. The table on p. 74 shows an extract from Arldt’s statistics, and the first four land-bridges are illustrated by curves in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15.—Votes on the question of the four post-Cambrian land-bridges.

The number of favourable votes is shown by the upper thick curve, the number of unfavourable votes by the lower thick curve. The difference is simply shaded if favourable; cross-hatched if unfavourable.

In this, three curves are drawn for each land-bridge, namely, for the number of votes in favour, of those in opposition, and of the difference, the latter thus giving the strength of the majority; this is emphasized by shading on the area concerned. These four early land-bridges are those extending over present-day oceanic areas, and are of special interest to us. The result, as is seen, is very clear in its broadest outlines in spite