Page:The origin of continents and oceans - Wegener, tr. Skerl - 1924.djvu/237

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  1. Poles, oscillations of, 122–8
  2. —, position of, at different periods, 109
  3. Poplar, 92
  4. Potamochœrus, 62
  5. Potonié, H., 102, 149
  6. —, R., 101
  7. Pratt, 23–4, 37, 173
  8. Precession, effect of, 200–2
  9. Precordilleras, 3, 43
  10. Pressures on continental margin, 175–7
  11. Prince’s Island, 59
  12. Probability, principles of, 56
  13. Pulkowa observatory, 119
  14. Quaternary, Pleistocene and Recent, 2, 6–7, 74–80, 82, 88, 101, 109, 205
    — glaciation, 55, 109–13
  15. Quitzow, 134
  16. Raclot, 32
    Radiolarites, Alpine, 20
  17. Radium, 13–4, 141
  18. Raised beaches, former shore lines, 22
  19. Raleigh, Lord, see Strutt.
  20. Ramann, E., 102
  21. Reade, T. M., 164
  22. Recent, see Quaternary
  23. Reconstructed maps of the world, 6–7
  24. Recumbent folds, see Sheet folding
  25. “Red Beds,” 107
  26. Red Sea, 64, 167–8, 171
  27. Regressions, 124–7
  28. Reibisch, P., 94–5, 124
  29. Reptiles (Europe-North America), 79
  30. Reyer, E., 14
  31. Rhine Valley, 193
  32. Richthofen, F., 183
  33. Rift valleys, 166–72
  34. Rio de Janeiro, 46
  35. Rio Grande do Sul, 46
  36. Robeson Channel, 58
  37. Rome observatory, 118
  38. Rücker, A. W., 32
  39. Rudzki, M. P., 9, 13–14, 22, 113, 121–2, 175, 186
  40. Ruhr district, coal, 80
  41. Russisi, River, 167
  42. Rustenberg district, 46
  43. Sabine, 115
    Sago-palms, 92
  44. St. Gotthard tunnel, 134
  45. St. Lawrence River, 60, 177
  46. St. Thomas, 59
  47. Sal, 36
  48. Salt, 91, 105
  49. Salter, J. W., 80
  50. Sands, deep-sea, 61
  51. Sandstones as evidence of climate, 91
  52. San Francisco, earthquake fault, 186
  53. San Juan Province, 43
  54. Santa Catharina Province, 46
  55. — — System, 46–7
  56. Saõ Paulo Province, 46
  57. Sapper, K., 69
  58. Scandinavia, elevation of, 22–3, 121
  59. Schardt, H., 12
  60. Scharff, R. F., 82
  61. Schiaparelli, G. V., 123
  62. Schiötz, 173
  63. Schmidt, A., 33
  64. Schott, G., 61, 144, 178
  65. Schuchert, C., 75
  66. Schwarz, E. H. L., 9, 200
  67. Schwarzschild, 9
  68. Schweydar, W., 24, 37, 128–9, 131, 137, 198–203, 205
  69. Scoresby Sound, 42, 57
  70. Scotland, 57, 82
  71. Scottish Highlands, 54
  72. Sea-cow, 83
  73. Sealing-wax, 129, 131, 133, 141, 165
  74. Seals, 78
  75. Section through a sial block, 153
  76. — — the earth, 148
  77. Sediments, oceanic, 139–40
  78. —, shallow water origin of, 20–1
  79. —, thickness of, 148
  80. See, 9
  81. Seismic waves, velocity of, 33–5, 128
  82. Semper, M., 82, 94, 105, 124
  83. Sequoia, 92
  84. Serra de Tingua, 46
  85. — do Gericino, 45–6
  86. — do Mar, 45
  87. — Geral, 47
  88. Seychelles, 59, 141
  89. Shallow water connections, 19
  90. — — origin of sedimentary rocks, 20–1
  91. Shansi, coal, 104
  92. Shantung, coal, 104
  93. Sheet folding, 12
  94. Shelf-bridges, 19
  95. Shelves, 2, 177
  96. Shire, River, 167
  97. Shore-lines, former, 22
  98. Shrinkage, 11
  99. Sial, 36–41, 59, 133, 136–7, 141, 146–56, 160–1, 165
  100. — block, section through, 153
  101. Sialsphere, 146–56
  102. Siboga Bank, 68
  103. Sierras of Buenos Aires, 43
  104. Sigillaria, 102
  105. Silurian, 52, 54, 58, 74–8
  106. Sima, 36–41, 131–7, 153–4, 160–1, 165
  107. Simplon tunnel, 134
  108. Simroth, H., 87–8, 94–5
  109. Sino-Australian continent, 83
  110. Skottsberg, C., 84
  111. Sliding of marginal chains, 184
  112. Sloe trees, 92
  113. Smith Sound, 58
  114. Smoothness of ocean floor, 38–41
  115. Snails, 81
  116. Snow line in Tasmania and New Zealand, 111
  117. Society Islands, 179
  118. Soft solids, 132
  119. Sokolow, N. A., 119
  120. Solidity, 129–34
  121. Solomon Islands, 143
  122. Somaliland peninsula, 59, 64
  123. Sörgel, W., 26, 30, 88
  124. Soundings for cable, 39
  125. South America, tectonic map, 50
  126. South Antillean curve, 71
  127. South Atlantic, congruency of coasts, 1
  128. South Georgia, 72
  129. South Orkneys, 72
  130. South Polar Expedition (Drygalski), 61
  131. South Sandwich Islands, 71
  132. Spain, 52, 81
  133. Sparganophilus, 79
  134. Specific gravity of sial and sima, 37–9
  135. Spitaler, 128
  136. Spitsbergen, 42, 57, 92, 104
  137. Steinmann, G., 112, 149
  138. Streams in sima, 141–5
  139. Stremme, H., 102
  140. Strike-lines in Brazil and Africa, 48–9
  141. Stromer, 82–4
  142. Strutt (Lord Raleigh), 13, 113
  143. Stübel, 153
  144. Submarine bank, 61
  145. — effusions of lava, 139
  146. — folded mountains, 39–41
  147. Submerged valleys, supposed, 177–8
  148. Submergence to deep sea floor, 16, 25
  149. Sudan, 48
  150. Suess, E., 11, 36, 49, 51–4, 62, 66, 146, 155
  151. Sula Besi, 69