Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/147

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Chief Works (continued)—

Florence.—Museum of S. Marco: Cloisters: Frescoes (continued)—
7. Ecce Homo; 8. Resurrection; 9. Coronation; 10. Presentation; 11. Madonna and Saints; 15-23, 25, 37, 42, 43. Crucifixion; 24. Baptism; 26. Pietà; 28. Christ bearing the Cross; 31. Descent into Hades; 32. Sermon on the Mount; 33. Betrayal of Judas; 34. Agony in Gethsemane; 35. Institution of the Blessed Sacrament; 36. Nailing to the Cross; 38. Adoration of the Magi and Pietà.
Florence.— S. Domenico of Fiesole: Madonna and Saints, Fresco of Crucifixion.
Cortona.—S. Domenico: Madonna and Saints; Gesù: Annunciation and predella.
Orvieto.—Duomo: Frescoes —Last Judgment, Prophets and Angels (in part).
Parma.—Gallery: Sala III.: 25. Madonna and Saints.
Perugia.—Gallery: Sala V.: 1-18. Polyptych.
Pisa.—Sala VI.: 7. Salvator Mundi.
Rome.—Corsini Gallery: Sala VII: 22. Pentecost: 23. Last Judgment; 24. Resurrection.
Rome.— Vatican Gallery: Madonna and predella. Chapel of Pope Nicholas V.: Frescoes from Life of St. Stephen and St. Laurence.
Berlin.—Gallery: 60. Madonna and Saints; 60a. Last Judgment; 61. Meeting of SS. Dominic and Francis; 62. Triumph of St. Francis.
Boston, U.S.A.—Mrs J. L. Gardner: Death and Assumption of Virgin.
London.—National Gallery: 663. Christ in Glory.
Madrid.—Gallery: 14. Annunciation.
Munich.—Pinacothek: 989-991. Predella, SS. Cosimo and Damiano; 992. Entombment.
Oxford.—University Galleries: 5. Madonna and Saints.
Paris.—1290. Coronation of Virgin. 1293. Martyrdom of SS. Cosimo and Damiano. 1294. Fresco—Crucifixion.
St Petersburg.—Hermitage: 1674. Fresco—Madonna and Saints.