Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/191

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Closely associated with Fra Filippo at one period of his career was Francesco di Pesello, generally known as Pesellino, to distinguish him from his grandfather Giuliano. This interesting and attractive painter, who was born in 1422, and early left an orphan, grew up in the workshop of his grandfather, an architect and artist of some note, who painted banners and cassoni, designed stained glass, and was one of the competitors for the model of the Cathedral cupola. Like all the best contemporary artists, he enjoyed the friendship of the Medici, and on one occasion Cosimo lent him a sum of money for his daughter's dowry. Both the Peselli were distinguished animal painters, and a wonderful group of caged lions, as well as a hunting scene by Francesco's hand, adorned a hall in the Medici palace. Here, too, the young master was employed to paint predellas for altar-pieces by Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo, which are mentioned in Lorenzo de' Medici's inventory. All of these have disappeared, and the earliest of Pesellino's works now in existence, is a predella on the legend of St Nicholas, which originally adorned an altar in