Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/333

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waiting crowds. He must have rejoiced that death came suddenly to him at the last. One morning in the year 1521, he was found dead at the foot of his stairs, and was buried by his friends in the ancient church of S. Pietro Maggiore.

Chief Works
Florence.—Uffizi: 81. The Immaculate Conception. 82-84. Perseus and Andromeda. 1312. The deliverance of Andromeda, 3414. Portrait of Caterina Sforza.
Florence.— Pitti: 370. Head of Saint.
Florence.— Spedale degli Innocenti: Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels.
Florence.— S. Lorenzo: Madonna and Saints adoring the Child.
Milan.—Palazzo Borromeo: Sala Centrale: 19. Madonna and Child.
Milan.—Prince Trivulzio: Madonna and Child with Angels.
Rome.—Vatican: Sistine Chapel: Fresco—Destruction of Pharaoh.
Rome.— Borghese Villa: 329. Judgment of Solomon. 335. Madonna and Child. 343. Madonna and Child with Angels.
Rome.— Corsini: Magdalen.
Berlin.—Gallery: 107. Mars and Venus.
Berlin.—204. Adoration of the Shepherds.
Chantilly.—"La Bella Simonetta."
Dresden.—Gallery: 20. Madonna and Child with Angels.
The Hague.—Gallery: 254, 255. Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco di San Gallo.
London.—National Gallery: 698. Death of Procris. 895. Portrait of Warrior.
London.— Mr. Benson: Hylas and the Nymphs.
London.— Mr. Ricketts: Centaurs and Lapithæ.
London.—Mr. Street: Madonna and Child.
Newlands.—Colonel Cornwallis West: Visitation.