Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/68

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the stars. For I am Giotto—what need is there to tell of my work? Long as verse lives, my name shall endure!"

Chief Works

Florence.—Accademia delle belle Arti: 103. Madonna and Child with Angels.
florence Santa Croce, Peruzzi Chapel: Frescoes—Lives of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. Bardi Chapel: Frescoes—Life of St. Francis.
Assisi.—Upper Church: Frescoes—Life of St. Francis.
Assisi Lower Church: Allegories of Obedience, Charity, Poverty and Glory of St. Francis.[1]
Assisi Lower Church, R. Transept: Frescoes—Lives of Christ and the Virgin.
Bologna.—Accademia delle belle Arti: 101. Saints and Angels.
Padua.—Arena Chapel: Frescoes—Lives of Christ and the Virgin, Last Judgment, Vices and Virtues.
Rome.—St. Peter's Sacristy: Stefaneschi Altar-piece. St. John Lateran: Fresco—Boniface VIII. Proclaiming the Jubilee, 1300.
Boston, U.S.A.Mrs Gardner: Presentation in Temple.
Munich,—Pinacothek: 979-983. Small Panels. Madonna, Passion and Crucifixion, etc.
Paris.—Louvre: 1312. St. Francis receiving the Stigmata.

  1. These frescoes are now ascribed by Mr. Berenson, Professor Venturi, and other authorities to an assistant of Giotto, and not to the master himself.—("The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance," by B. Berenson, p. 142. Third Edition, 1909.)