Page:The painters of Florence from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century (1915).djvu/95

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glass windows of Or' San Michele. He also painted the choir-books of the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, and, in 1422, received 114 gold florins for an altar-piece which he executed for the Chapel of S. Egidio in that foundation. No record of him is found after this date, and his death took place when he was away from Florence, about 1425. Lorenzo Monaco's career gave a marked impulse to the practice of art within the cloister, and a school of miniature painters sprang up in the convent of S. Maria degli Angeli, which soon found rivals in the other monastic communities of Florence, more especially in the Dominican houses of Fiesole and S. Marco.

Taddeo Gaddi
Florence.—Santa Croce: Baroncelli Chapel: Frescoes—Life of the Virgin.
Florence.— Medici Chapel: Coronation of the Virgin,
Florence.—Accademia: 104-115. Life of Christ; 117-126. Life of St. Francis.
Giovanni da Milano
Florence.—Santa Croce: Cappella Rinuccini; Frescoes—Lives of the Virgin and Magdalene.
Florence.— Accademia: 131. Pietà, 1365.
Florence.—Santa Croce: Frescoes—Life of St. Sylvester.
Florence.— Uffizi: 27. Pietà.
Agnolo Gaddi
Florence.—Santa Croce: Frescoes—Legend of the True Cross.
Prato.—Duomo: Frescoes—Legend of the Holy Girdle.
Andrea Orcagna
Florence.—Santa Maria Nevella, Strozzi Chapel: Frescoes—Last Judgment, Inferno, Paradiso. Altar-piece—Christ and Saints.
Andrea da Firenze
Florence.—Spanish Chapel: Frescoes.
Pisa.—Campo Santo: Frescoes—Life of S. Ranieri.