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Underneath rest the remains of Benjamin Forster, B.D. of C.C.C. Cambridge 1760; Lady Camden's Lecturer at Wakefield in Yorkshire 1766; Rector of St. Mary Abchurch in London 1772; from thence removed to the Rectories of Boconock with Braddock in Cornwall, and to Carshayes, St. Michael, St. Stephens, and St. Dennis, in the same county, 1773.

Born Aug. 7, O.S. 1736. Died Dec. 2, N.S. 1805.

Epitaph written in the 33d year of his age:

Here, hapless mortal! thy sure refuge find,
Crost in each fond device, each hope of joy;
Life's busy day was not for bliss design'd,
Toils, struggles, sufferings, its sad hours employ.
Yet meekly bow to Heaven's imperious sway,
Nor deem thyself a prey to unmixt woes;
The gentler virtues sooth the cares of day,
And life's calm eve shall lead to long repose.

Finally, Boconnoc-house is distinguished by having been the head quarters of King Charles the First in August and September 1684, when the army commanded by General Lord Essex, capitulated at Fowey.

This parish contains 1772 statute acres.

Annual value of the Real Property as returned to Parliament in 1815 £.
Poor Rate in 1831 142 15 0
Population, in 1801,
in 1811,
in 1821,
in 1831,

Or somewhat more than 22 per cent. in 30 years.

The Geology of this parish has nothing peculiar or characteristic. Dr. Boase remarks that the eastern part is a continuation of the barren downs which extend nearly to Lostwithiel, and that the southern, which is the fertile part, belongs to the calcarious series of the schistose group, but that the rocks are too much concealed under the alluvial soil to allow of their nature being very evidently manifest.