Page:The parochial history of Cornwall.djvu/144

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The inscriptions on various monuments are noticed by Lysons, and other writers.

But a splendid addition has been recently made to the decorations of the church by Lord De Dunstanville, on his retiring from the office of recorder in the corporation. The large east window of the chancel is entirely filled with painted glass, and the middle part contains a well-drawn representation of the Ascension.

Bodmin parish contains 5279 statute acres.

Annual value of the Real Property, as returned to Parliament in 1815     £. s. d.
The Town 7784        
The Parish 3077        
  10,861 0 0
Poor Rate in 1831:      
The Town 1012 0 1330 10 0
The Parish 318 10      
Population,—in 1801: in 1811: in 1821: in 1831:
The Town 1951 2050 2902 3375.
The Parish 348  383  376  407.
Total  2299 2383 3278 3782

Increase on a hundred in 30 years, sixty-four and a half per cent.


Dr. Boase says of the Geology: the town of Bodmin is about midway between two insulated groups of granite, and it is principally built of a stone quarried on the spot, and which well deserves the attention of geologists. This rock in the deeper parts of the quarry becomes more blue; but its common appearance presents various shades of drab or fawn colour, with irregular spots of an ochreous yellow. It breaks into thick laminæ, or slabs, which are traversed by parallel joints; so that, with care, this stone may be obtained in oblong quadrangular masses. It is soft; sometimes so much so as to lose its cohesion. The substance appears to be almost entirely argillaceous.