Page:The parochial history of Cornwall.djvu/191

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conjectures over the whole neighbourhood, in consequence of a gentleman and lady residing there under the assumed name of Browne, and withdrawing themselves entirely from public observation. They were conjectured to be members of some distinguished family on the continent implicated in political disputes; or at the least, some very eminent persons of our own country, till at last the mystery was explained by a disclosure of their real name and condition.

Mr. Berty Birge, having been involved in the pecuniary affairs of an individual who subsequently became insane, found himself obliged to retire, although it is understood that nothing discreditable to his character occurred in the transactions. On that individual's decease Mr. Birge resumed his real name, and removed to Penzance, where he passed the remainder of his life.

The church of St. Burian is among those most distinguished for size and beauty in the west of Cornwall. It is situated on high ground, with a lofty tower, conspicuous therefore from a very great distance. It possessed, till within these few years, a curious rood-loft.

A station of the great trigonometrical survey was placed in 1796 very near Burian church, and in the Philosophical Transactions for 1800, the latitude of the tower is stated to be 50° 4' 32.8′", and the longitude is 5° 36' 10.5", or in time 22' 24.7" west of Greenwich.

Burian measures 6274 statute acres.

The annual value of the Real Property, as returned to Parliament in 1815 £.
Poor Rate in 1831 350 0 0

The parish feast is kept on the nearest Sunday to old May day.

Population, in 1801,
in 1811,
in 1821,
in 1831,

being an increase of 47 in a hundred in 30 years.

Present Rector, the Hon. F. Stanhope.