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patronage in Seyntaubyn and Arundell alternately. The incumbent Fincher (Smalle). The parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax 3 William III. 1696, 246l. 4s. The rectory of the vicarage is in possession of Knicker (Sandford).

One Forbes, or Forbhas, was presented rector of this parish in the latter end of Cromwell's usurpation, and lived here on this fat benefice, without spending or lending any money, many years, always pretending want thereof; at length he died suddenly intestate, about the year 1681, having neither wife nor legitimate child, nor any relation of his in blood in this kingdom; upon news of whose death Mr. Arundell, his patron, opened his trunks, and found about three thousand pounds in gold and silver, and carried it thence to his own house. The fame and envy of which fact flew suddenly abroad, so that Mr. Buller, of Morval, had notice thereof, who claimed a part or share in this treasure, upon pretence of a nuncupative will, wherein Forbes some days before his death had made him his executor, and the same was concerted into writing, whereupon he demanded the 3,000l. of Mr. Arundell. But he refusing to deliver the same, Mr. Buller filed a bill in Chancery against him the said Mr. Arundell, praying relief in the premises, and that the said money might be brought or deposited in the said court, which at length was accordingly done; where, after long discussing this matter between the lawyers and clerks in that court, in fine, as I was informed, the court, the plaintiff, and the defendant shared the money amongst them, without the least thanks to, or remembrance of the deceased wretch Forbes for the same; abundantly verifying that saying in the Sacred Writings, "man layeth up riches, but knows not who shall gather them."

Since the writing of the above, the incumbent, Mr. Fincher, has built a pretty fine house on the glebe lands of this vicarage, equal if not superior to any other of that sort in Cornwall of its bigness, except Altar-nun, as designing to buy the patronage thereof, being a sinecure,