Page:The parochial history of Cornwall.djvu/444

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The manor of Pelsew, or Peldu, in this parish, is said by Mr. Lysons to have belonged to Robert Earl of Cornwall at the period of the Domesday Survey; that it was forfeited by John Vere, Earl of Oxford, to Edward the Fourth, in 1471; and that it passed through the families of Mapowder and Luttrell to Doctor Wynne, conveying with it the advowson of the church. Dr. Wynne held the rectory for many years on his own presentation, deputing the care of his parish to the very eminent scholar and preceptor Dr. Cardew; but when residence became necessary for all incumbents, under the provisions of an act of parliament, he bestowed the living on the distinguished individual who had long been his curate. Dr. Cardew departed from this life in December 1831, having advanced into his 84th year. A monument is placed to his memory in St. Erme church, bearing an inscription written by himself, which might otherwise have the unusual blame imputed to it, of not sufficiently recording the merits of him whom it is intended to praise:

Cornelius Cardew, S.T.P.
Proba et innocua
quamvis humili stirpe editus,
benigno tamen Numine,
ab anno m.dcclxxxii.
Ecclesiæ de Ewny Lelant Vicarius,
Regiæ Celsitudini
Georgio Walliæ Principi e Sacris,
per annos triginta quatuor
Scholæ Grammaticæ apud Truronenses
præsidebat Archididasculus,
Prætorio munere bis ibidem functus.
Ab anno m.dcc.lxxi. ad annum m.dccc.iv.
in hac Ecclesia Sancto Ermeti dicata
Rectoris Luttrell Wynne, LL. D.
vicem supplebat;