Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/13

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used, the editor desires to tender thanks. Appended herewith is a partial list of books consulted:

  • Distinguished Women.—Mrs. Hale.
  • Women of the Reformation.—Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer.
  • Ladies of the White House.—Laura C. Holloway.
  • Queenly Women Crowned and Uncrowned.—Ed. by Prof. S. W. Williams.
  • The World's Women.—Richmond.
  • The World's Congress of Representative Women.—M. W. Sewall.
  • American Women.—F. E. Willard.
  • Little Pilgrimages Among the Women Who Have Written Famous Books.—E. F. Harkins and C. H. L. Johnston.
  • Girls Who Became Famous.—Sarah K. Bolton.
  • Biographical and Critical Studies.—Baskerville.
  • The Younger American Poets.—Rittenhouse.
  • Southern Literature.—Manly.
  • Kentucky Pioneer Women.—Laney.
  • Representative Southern Poets.—Hubner.
  • Selections from the Writings of Connecticut Women.
  • Prominent Women of Texas.—Brooks.
  • Pioneer Women of the West.—Ellet.
  • Women of America.—Larus.
  • Eminent Missionary Women.—Mrs. J. T. Gracey.
  • The Women of America.—McCracken.
  • A Belle of the Fifties.
  • Queens of American Society.—Ellet.
  • History of American Stage.—T. Allston Browne.
  • The History of Woman Suffrage.—Stanton, Anthony and Gage.
  • Who's Who in America.
  • Catholic Who's Who in America.—Miss Curtis.
  • Seven Great Foundations.—Leonard P. Ayers.
  • What America Owes to Women. — Ed. by Lydia Hoyt Farmer.