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Women as Educators

and horticulture. Here she studied forestry, geology, entomology, chemistry, and other subjects which are fundamental in the work she was later to pursue.

From Cornell University she was called to Briarcliff Manor, New York, where some of the millionaires of New York City had established a School of Practical Agriculture and Horticulture. Later she was called to Lowthorpe, a school of horticulture and landscape gardening for women, Groton, Massachusetts. This afforded an opportunity for study at the Arnold Arboretum.

The work of the children of the Village Improvement Association, of Groton, was placed under her direction and she began school gardens. After two years at Groton, she went to Cleveland, Ohio, where she occupies her present position. She established school gardens and the Board of Education created the position of curator of school gardens and appointed her to fill the position which is unique, being the only one of its kind in the country. The duties are to supervise the school gardens, give illustrated lectures on gardening in the public schools, extend the home garden work, arrange for autumn flower shows and superintend the improvement of school grounds. Under her leadership, this school garden work is recognized as being among the best in the country. The influence of her work in the city is marked. Each school yard and garden has become a radiating center for civic improvement. Disease breeding and fly breeding places have been cleaned up and the city made more sanitary and more beautiful. Children are being taught the yielding capacity of a small plot of ground, succession of crops and harmonious color effects; they are becoming interested in gardening and many are seeking the suburb and country life. She has always emphasized the physical, mental and moral influence of this work in the fresh air and sunshine.

Miss Miller is a lecturer of wide experience, appearing at Chautauquas, before Civic Associations, Women's Clubs, Teachers' Associations in many parts of the United States and Canada. She is the author of "Children's Gardens," a "Course in Nature Study for the Pennsylvania Schools," and is also contributor to many magazines.

She is interested in all movements for the constructive upbuilding of humanity; is Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member of the Executive Board of the American Civic Association; vice-president of the National Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild; vice-president of School Gardening Association of America; and honorary member of the Iowa State Audubon Society.


Miss Carson was born in Portland, Oregon, March 12, 1856. Is the daughter of John Crosthwaite and Elizabeth Talbot Carson. Graduated from one of the private schools of Portland, receiving a state diploma in 1888 and a life diploma in 1890. Studied in Boston at one of the schools of expression of that city; Harvard College; University of Chicago; University of California, and Cambridge, England. Was preceptress of the Taulatin Academy and Pacific University; vice-president of the Couch School, Portland, Oregon ; professor of rhetoric and elocution, English literature, American literature, and dean of women of the University of Oregon;