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Women in Professions

Wells Theatre, and made a wonderful impression. She soon succeeded Mrs. Charles Young at the Lyceum and was pronounced a decided acquisition to the London stage. She returned to this country August 17, 1863, and played at the Winter Garden, New York.


Was reared in Chicago, Illinois. Completed her musical education in Paris, making her debut there in 1891. Is now one of the great operatic stars of the present day. She is recognized by critics, universally, as second to no one on the operatic stage in the dramatic rendition of the parts she has taken.


Was born March 17, 1850, in Cleveland, Ohio. Her mother was a native of Ohio, and her father, of Canada. Her father died when she was quite an infant, leaving the mother to support a family of young children. Clara undertook to support herself by caring for young children in families. Mr. Ellsler, the theatrical manager, engaged her to do miscellaneous child work about his theatre when but eleven years old. She soon attracted attention by her intensity in her work and gradually climbed the ladder from her first occupation to the rank of leading lady. In 1868-1869 she played a successful season in Cincinnati, and at its close went to New York City and accepted an offer of forty dollars a week from Augustin Daly, making her debut in that city as Anne Sylvester in "Man and Wife." She has appeared in many other of the more exacting emotional characters and in each and all she is a finished, powerful, perfect and impassioned actress. Her own sufferings, from an incurable spinal malady, have made her success all the more remarkable. In 1874 she became the wife of Frederick C. Harriott, but always retained her maiden name, "Clara Morris," on the stage. Among her most distinct successes were "Camille," "Miss Multon," "The New Magdalen," "L'Article 47" and "Renee."


Was born April 3, 1876, in Ottawa, Canada, and is the daughter of Honorable T. W. Anglin, formerly speaker of the Canadian House of Commons. She was educated at convents in Toronto and Montreal, and received her dramatic training from the Empire School of Dramatic Acting, in New York City, and in 1894 made her debut on the stage in "Shenandoah." She has played leading parts in the Shakespearean dramas, has acted with Sothern, Richard Mansfield, in "Cyrano de Bergerac," her latest effort was in "The Awakening of Helena Richie."


Came to America when a child from England. She entered upon her professional career when but eighteen years of age, appearing as Marjory Knox