Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/963

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Martin, Elizabeth 156
Martin, Elizabeth Gilbert 837
Martin, Mrs. George Madden 379
Martin, Gertrude S 725
Martin, Grace 157
Martin, Rachel 157
Martin, Sarah J 352
Martin, Susan 37
Martin, Mrs 31
Martin, Mrs 300
Mary, Sister 607
Mason, Amelia Gere 855
Mason, Emily 260
Mason, Emily Virginia 380
Mather, Margaret 777
Mather, Sarah Ann 545
Mathews, Julia B 886
Matthews, Frances Aymar 793
Matthews, Mother Juliana 614
Maxfield, Mary B 367
Maxon, Hannah U 361
Maxwell, Mrs. Lawrence 402
Maynard, Cora 793
Mayo, Margaret 789
Meade, Minnie 611
Meagher, Katherine Kelly 535
Meagher, Sister Josephine O. S. D. 621
Mechtold, Mary Rider 791
Mee, Cassie Ward 903
Meech, Jeannette Du Bois 905
Melton, Mrs. Joanna 366
Melville, Velma Caldwell 825
Mendes, Esther Pereira 631
Mendes, Grace P 651
Mercedes, Mary Antonio Gallagher 837
Meriwether, Lide 694
Merrick, Caroline Elizabeth 682
Merrick, Mary Virginia 535
Merrick, Mrs 256
Merriman, Helen Bigelow 848
Merritt, Anna Lee 756
Meyer, Annie Nathan 649
Michaels, Hannah 631
Miles, Emma Bell 379
Miliken, Mrs. D. A 544
Miller, Adaline 367
Miller, Mrs. A. Barton 308
Miller, Addie Dickman 683
Miller, Annie Jenness 845
Miller, Dora Richards 825
Miller, Emily Huntington 871
Miller, Flo Jamison 342
Miller, Louise Klein 716
Miller, Olive Thome 847
Miller, Maria 367
Miller, Mary E 747
Mills, Susan Carrie 366
Mills, Susan Lincoln 724
Milton, Joanna 367
Minis, Judy and daughter 632
Mink, Sarah C 350
Minot, Fanny E 354
Mins, Sue Harper 705
Minter, Desire 31
Minter, Edith Dowe 830
Misch, Mrs. Caesar 650
Mitchell, Ellen E 312
Mitchell, Maria 876
Mitchell, Martha Reed 526
Moise, Penina 636
Moises family 635
Molloy, Mary Aloysia 838
Monroe, Harriet 612
Monroe, Harriet Stone 841
Montgomery, Darrie Frances Judd 520
Montgomery, Helen Barrett 522
Montgomery, Mrs 195
Montague, Margaret Prescott 379
Montholon, Albina 611
Moore, Aubertine Woodward 864
Moore, Clara Jessup 826
Moore, Ella Maude 858
Moore, Idora M. Plowman 827
Moore, Kate 104
Moore, Mary 50
Moore, Mrs. Phillip N 401
Moore, Sarah 863
Moody, Helen Waterson 829
Mooris, Ellen Douglas 683
Moots, Cornelia Moore Chillson 683
Mordecai, Rose 650
More, Ellen 32
Morgan, Agnes 791
Morgan, Anne Eugenia Felicia 728
Morgan, Henrietta Hunt 69
Morgan, Sarah Berrien Casey 432
Morgan, Mrs. Wm 51
Morley, Margaret Warner 382
Morison, Rebecca Newell 621
Morris, Clara 779
Morris, Matilda 367
Morris, Mrs 196
Morrison, Adele 612
Morse, Alice Cordelia 751
Morton, Eliza Happy 857
Morton, Jane M 367
Morton, Martha 700
Mosher, Edith R 866
Moseley, Mrs 96
Mott, Lucretia 590
Mott, Mollie C 367
Motte, Rebecca 139