Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/965

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Pattern, Abby Hutchinson 868
Pay, Ellen 342
Peabody, Elizabeth 181
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 286-730
Peabody, Josephine Preston 791
Peabody, Lucy Evelyn 879
Peake, Mary S. 313
Pealer, Ruth M. Griswold 435
Pearce, Sister Eulalia 614
Peck, Annie Smith 880
Peel, Mrs. Lawson, 383
Peeler, Mrs. 397
Peeples, Sarah E 886
Pendleton, Ellen Fitz 733
Pennock, Miss Caroline C. 891
Pennybacker, Mrs. Percy V. 501
Perkins, Sarah Mariah Clinton 694
Pesoa, Miss 635
Peterson, Miss 104
Pettus, Maria 379
Pfohl, Katherine Laughlin 622
Pharr, Sallie S. 888
Phelps, Almira Lincoln 796
Phelps, Mrs. John S. 312
Phelps, Pauline 792
Phillips, Ellen 635
Phillips, Emaline 370
Phipps, Lady 37
Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan 840
Pickens, Lucy Holcomb 103
Pickett, La Salle Corbell 845
Pier, Caroline Hamilton 745
Pier, Harriet Hamilton 745
Pier, Kate 745
Pier, Kate Hamilton 745
Pierce, Elizabeth F. 410
Pierce. Jane Means Appleton 248
Pike, Harriet 101
Pike, Miriam 101
Pike, Mrs. 101
Pitcher. Molly 162
Pitkin, Louisa Rochester 432
Planten, July 886
Plimpton Hannah R. 356
Plumb, Mrs. L. H. 899
Plunkett, Harriette M 902
Pocahontas 19
Polak, Jessamine 767
Polk, Sarah Childress 242
Pollard. Mrs. Carrie (Wilkins) 372
Pollock, Louise 712
Pollock. Mrs. Marv P. 372
Pomerov. Genie Clark 826
Pond, Nellie Brown 746
Poole. Fannie Huntington Runnells 848
Pope, Cora Scott Pond 540
Pope, Mrs. Henry Lewis 470
Poppenheim, Mary B. 384
Poree, Caroline E. 296
Porter, Charlotte 830
Porter, Delia Lyman 841
Porter, Eliza C. 311
Porter, Florence Collins 685
Portundo, Josephine B. Thomas 821
Post, Amalia Barney Simons 588
Potter, Margaret Horton 861
Potts, Anna M. Longshore 742
Poulsson, Ann Emelie 850
Powell, Mrs. 197
Powers, Lucy Gaylord 314
Prang, Mary Dana Hicks 719
Pratt, Mrs. Malinda A 372
Preston, Ann 742
Preston, Margaret Junkin 811
Preston, Margaret Wickliffe 69
Price, Rebecca L 370
Pringle, Mary (Mary Breckel) 333
Pritchard, Esther Tuttle 737
Prosser, Anna Weed 738
Provost, Mrs. 196
Pruit, Willie Franklin 544
Pryor, Mrs. Roger A 434
Pryor, Sarah 377
Pugh, Esther 685
Pulitzer, Mrs. Joseph 642
Pullman, Mrs. George M. 303
Putnam, Ann 36
Putnam, Mrs. Charles E. 428
Putnam, Mrs. John Risley 428
Putnam, Mary Steiner 461
Pyle, Alice A. 888
Pyle, Katherine 842
Quimby, Harriet 301
Quinton, Amelia Stone 407
Rambaut, Mary L. Bonney 711
Ramsay, Lula 685
Ramsay, Marion 610
Ransford, Nettie 408
Rathbun. Mary Jane 878
Rathnell, Mrs. Maria L. 372
Rauh, Bertha 650
Read. Carrie R. 355
Read, Lizzie B. 558
Reading:. Mrs. Sarah M. 372
Reed, Caroline Keating 765
Reed, Elizabeth Armstrong 861
Reed, Esther 105
Reed, Pattie 101
Reed, Virginia 101
Reed. Mrs. 101