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condemnation of schisms, we must needs condemn ourselves first and be severe towards ourselves.

Spare, Lord, all those who have ignorantly gone astray, especially those who have forsaken us through our forsaking and neglect of them. Bring them back, blessed Lord, into Thine own pasture. Por these our sins, punished by our schisms, humble us to the earth, that, the sins being repented of, the punishment may be withdrawn, and our many bleeding wounds may be healed. Remove from us all scandals and want of discipline; give us all things needful for the edification of Thy people, that souls may find rest under the shadow of this vine, and whatsoever is wholesome for their spiritual life.

But, heavenly Father, as, after the pattern of Thy Son, I offer Thee my humble prayers for the unity of this branch of the Universal Church especially, so especially do I pray for an increase of its holiness; as a means thereunto, and for its own value in Thy sight. Let us contend with this sword against all who are not of us; let us argue with this manifest and so effectual argument. Not so much do I pray for the increase of the members of the Church, as for inward purity, for a real, true, spiritualizing of the Church;