Page:The perfect dressmaking system (1914).djvu/5

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The Perfect Dressmaking System

For cutting ladies', misses' and children's garments. The Perfect System is not a square or chart. It simply drafts every seam with any tape measure to give perfect lines and perfect fit to any figure.

The Perfect System insures what every woman of today; wants, good lines that are especially adapted to her figure as; well as a good fit. A garment may be made to fit with all the seams placed where they bring out every defect in the figure.

The Perfect System is a system that can not go out of style, for any style must have seams, and seams must come to the lines of the figure to insure a perfect garment. The Perfect System is the most simple, practical and inexpensive system in the world. It is simple because there is no changing, no matter what the size or figure may be. It is practical because you do not have to have a number of pasteboards or some other contrivance with you before you can cut a garment. It is inexpensive because you can use any tape measure.

The Perfect System can be learned by any woman that knows how she wants her garments to look, even if she has never cut a garment in her life. Most women invest each year many times the price of the Perfect System in patterns, patterns that are not cut to their measures and naturally require changing, which is wearisome and often takes more time than the actual making of a garment.