Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/256

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about the conditions of the Day of Judgement. When all this is found in the Quran in the most perfect form, there can be no doubt that it is a divine revelation and His word, given through the agency of His prophet. So God has said, informing the people about it, "Say, verily if man and genii were purposely assembled, that they might produce a book like this Quran, they could not produce one like it." This idea is further strengthened, nay, comes near exact surety and certainty, when it is known that the prophet was an unlettered man, and lived among a people, uneducated, wild, and nomadic by habit, who had never tried to investigate the universe, as was the case with the Greeks, and other nations, among whom philosophy was perfected in long periods of time. To this very fact refer the words of God, "Thou couldst not read any book before this; neither couldst thou write it with thy right hand, then had gainsayers justly doubted of the divine origin thereof."[1] Hence God

  1. Quran XXIX, 47.