Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/294

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hell fire."[1] The ultimate purpose in the creation of man is still more evident in him, than in other things. God has informed us of it in many a verses of the Quran. He says, "Did ye think that we had created you in sport; and that ye should not be brought again before us,"[2] and, "Doth man think, that he shall be left at full liberty, without control"![3] and further on He says, "I have not created genii and men for any other end, but that they should serve me."[4] that is the genius out of all creation which could know him. Again, He says, informing us of the importance of knowing God, "What reason have I that I should not worship him who hath created me? for unto him shall ye return."[5] Now it being clear that man has been created tor a certain work, it is evident that the work should be of a particular kind. For we see that everything has been created for a certain work, which is found in it, and in none other; that

  1. Quran. III, 188
  2. Quran, XXIII: 17
  3. Quran, LXXV, 36
  4. Quran, LI; 56
  5. Quran, XXXVI: 21