Page:The philosophy and theology of Averroes.djvu/30

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cannot mistrust. One who is accustomed to these things divine can experience for himself what we have said. The aim of this discourse is to bring together intellectual and traditional science. Indeed, we would even say that no logical conclusion will be found to bo opposed to the Law, which when sifted and Investigated in its different parts will be found in accordance, or almost so, with it.

That is why all Muslims are agreed that all the words of the Law are not to be taken literally, nor all of them given an interpretation. But they vary in verses, which are or are not to be interpreted. For example, the Asharites put an interpretation upon the verse of Equalisation[1] and on the Tradition of

  1. "It is he who hath created you whatsoever is on earth, and that set His mind to the creation of heaven and formed it into seven heavens; he knoweth all thing." Quran ii, 29. For an interpretation of this see Raji's Tafsiri Kabir vol. I. p. 249 et seq. Cairo. 1307. A. H. and Tabari's Commentary vol. I. p. 146 et seq. Cairo. 1902 A. D.