Page:The physical training of children (IA

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contractability of the capillaries. The phenomenon in question is a white line, which can be produced at pleasure by drawing the back of the nail along the skin where the eruption is situated. On drawing the nail, or the extremity of a hard body (such as a pen-holder), along the eruption, the skin is observed to grow pale, and to present a white trace, which remains for one or two minutes, or longer, and then disappears. In this way the diagnosis of the disease may be very distinctly written on the skin; the word 'Scarlatina' disappears as the eruption regains its uniform tint."—Edinburgh Medical Journal.

219. Is it of so much importance, then, to distinguish between Scarlet Fever and Measles?

It is of great importance, as in measles the patient ought to be kept moderately warm, and the drinks should be given with the chill off; while in scarlet fever the patient ought to be kept cool—indeed, for the first few days, cold; and the beverages, such as spring water, toast and water, etc., should be administered quite cold. I had the honor to read a Paper on the Treatment of Scarlet Fever before the members of Queen's College Medico-Chirurgical Society, Birmingham,—which Paper was afterwards published in the Association Journal; and in Braithwaite's Retrospect of Medicine; and in Ranking's Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences; besides in other publications. Moreover, the Paper was translated into German, and published in Canstatt's Jahresbericht, iv. 456. 220. What is the treatment of Scarlet Fever?

What to do.—Pray pay particular attention to my rules, and carry out my directions to the very letter—as I can then promise you that if the scarlet fever be not malignant, the plan I am about to recommend will, with God's blessing, be generally successful.

What is the first thing to be done? Send the child to