Page:The physical training of children (IA

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I hardly know so melancholy a reflection, as that Parents are necessarily the sole directors of the management of Children; whether they have, or have not judgment, penetration, or taste, to perform the task.Greville. Man's breathing Miniature!Coleridge. PRELIMINARY CONVERSATION. 1. I wish to consult you on many subjects appertaining to the management and the care of children,—will you favor me with your advice and counsel?

I shall be happy to accede to your request, and to give you the fruits of my experience in the clearest manner I am able, and in the simplest language I can command—freed from all technicalities. I will endeavor to guide you in the management of the health of your offspring;—I will describe to you the symptoms of the diseases of children;—I will warn you of approaching danger, in order that you may promptly apply for medical assistance before disease has gained too firm a footing;—I will give you the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses—when medical aid cannot quickly be procured, and where delay may be death;—I will instruct you in case of accidents, on the immediate employment of remedies—where procrastination may be dangerous; I will tell you how a sick child should be nursed, and how a sick