Page:The physical training of children (IA

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'Tis with him e'en standing water, Between boy and man.


 Standing with reluctant feet Where the brook and river meet, Womanhood and childhood fleet!


ABLUTION, ETC. 302. Have you any remarks to make on the Ablution of boys and girls?

How is it that a mother thinks it absolutely necessary (which it really is) that her babe's whole body should every morning be washed; and yet who does not deem it needful that her girl or boy of twelve years old, should go through the process of daily and thorough ablution? If the one case be necessary, sure I am that the other is equally if not more needful.

Thorough ablution of the body every morning at least is essential to health. I maintain that no one can be in the enjoyment of perfect health who does not keep his skin—the whole of his skin—clean. In the absence of cleanliness, a pellicle forms on the skin which engenders disease. Moreover, a person who does not keep his skin clean is more susceptible of contracting contagious disease,