Page:The physical training of children (IA

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Diet of a child turned from the natural food, 51

Diet of infants, 33

Diet, on a mother being particular in attending to, 126

Diet of youth, breakfast, 286

Dietary, an infant's, 36

Dinner for a child, 119

Dinner for a youth, 287

Diphtheria, symptoms, causes and treatment of, 188-193

Dirty child, a, the mother's disgrace, 77

Diseased nature and strange eruptions, 250

Diseases of children and the symptoms, 170

Diseases of girls, and the causes and symptoms, 340

Diseases of infants and symptoms, 77

Diseases in children, causes of obscure, 244

Diseases, the prevention of, 315

Diseases produced by tight lacing, 284

Diseases, symptoms of serious, 79

Doctor, on early calling in the, 253

Dog supposed to be mad, the bite of a, 266

Doleful child, the sight of a, 139

Drainage of the house and neighborhood, 136, 206

Dress, female, health and fashion in, 285

Dress of a child while asleep, 73

Drinking-fountains a great boon, 128

Dropping a child, danger of injury in, 258

Dry-raised children, the best food for, 45

"Dusting material" for infants, old-fashioned, 23

Dysentery, symptoms and treatment of, 93-97

Ear, nature and treatment of discharges from the, 220

Ear, removal of a pea or bead from the, 271

Earache, best treatment of the, 219

Earwig in the ear of a child, 272

Early rising, benefit of, 167, 311

Education of children, best plan of, 161

Education in infant schools, 160

Education, home, the best for girls, 301

Education, modern, the best, 301