Page:The physical training of children (IA

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Hair, plan of making tidy the, 281

Half-washed and half-starved child, the, 155

Hand-swing, the, a capital exercise, 296

Happiness to a child, importance of, 143

Happy, how to make a child, 143

Hard's Farinaceous Food, 38

Hardening of children's constitutions, 113

Hardening of infants, the, 71

Hats for a child, the best kind of, 112

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, on American ladies, 342

Head, if a child fall upon his, 257

Heat, external application of, 254

Hiccoughs of infants, causes of, 90

Hints conducive to the well-doing of a child, 139

Home of childhood—the nursery, 139

Hooping-cough, brief history of, 210

Hooping-cough an obstinate disease, 215

Hooping-cough, the treatment of, 212

Horse exercise for boys or girls, 292

Horse and pony exercise, 292

Hot-water bag or bottle, the use of a, 254

Household work for girls as a means of health, 305

Hydrophobia, antidote for, 266

Hysterics, when a lady is most prone to, 344, 346

India-rubber hot-water bottle, use of an, 254

Infants and the use of aperients, 77

Infants should be encouraged to use exertion, 69

Infants, about the weight of, 74

Infant-schools, health in, 160

Infant, wheezing of an, 77

Ipecacuanha wine, preservation of, 179

Ladies "affecting the saddle", 296

Laudanum, treatment in case of poisoning by, 269

Law, physic and divinity, 306

Leaden cisterns, using water from, 127

Learning without health, 237