Page:The physical training of children (IA

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"Stuffing of the nose" of infants, 98

"Sty," treatment of the, 220

Suet-pudding, the nature of, 119

Sugar for infants, 42, 52

Sugar-confectionery for infants, 131

Sugar, raw, as an aperient, 52

Sunstroke, prevention of, 112

Sunday, children should not regard as a day of gloom, 159

Supper for a child and for a youth, 128, 289

Surfeit water and saffron tea, 194

Sweetmeats colored with poisonous pigments, 131

Swimming, on boys and girls, 278

Symptoms of serious diseases, 170

Tape-worm, the effect on children of, 244

Taste for things refined and beautiful, 138

Tea, on giving a child, 131

Tea, green, the ill effects of, 131, 289

Teeth, attention to, importance of, 313

Teeth, child should not have meat until he has cut several, 118

Teeth, the diet of a child who has cut all his, 118

Teeth and gums, to keep in a healthy state the, 313

Teeth, right way of brushing the, 314

Teeth, appearance and number of first set of, 59

Teeth, appearance and number of second set of, 169

Teeth, the second crop of, 169

Teething, the time at which children begin, 58

Teething, eruptions from, 68

Teething the frequent cause of sickness, 99

Teething, a fruitful source of disease, 64

Teething, plan to be adopted during, 67

Teething, restlessness from, 253

Teething, second, importance of care, 170

Teething, symptoms and treatment of painful, 66

Teething, in town and country, 67

Temperature and ventilation of a nursery, 133

Temperature of a warm bath, 254

Thread or maw-worm, and its causes, 213